Friday, February 6, 2009

You are called to Jury Duty

Violin Player A (hereafter referred to as PA), Violin Player B (hereafter referred to as PB), and witness Violin Players C and D (hereafter not referred to at all) were all sent to a practice room to rehearse for solo and ensemble.

PA decided to play the piano and hung her violin from the music stand by the scroll. PB, unaware of this, and positioned between the stand in question and the blackboard, backed into said music stand and knocked it over, breaking the neck on PB's violin.

Should PA's parents contact PB's parents to ask them to help with the repair bill? If so, what percentage should they ask?

Please don't hesitate to register your opinion. Heck, feel free to poll friends and associates.


  1. Nope. I would have to say that if player A had just put her violin back in the case, or on top of the piano, it would have been safer. And of course the word accident comes to mind. If you make a bad choice the consequence is yours. But if you feel it was done maliciously sure PA should make them pay.......

  2. Hubby was polled and he says: If it was an accdnt dont think i would go after them. (I quote "S%$@" happens) Put yourself into their shoes. If the roles were reversed how would u feel?
