Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Reasons I am glad to be unemployed

5. I like the idea that I can go back to bed and catch up on any sleep I lost last night (even though I don't actually do it. The idea itself is good enough).

4. Making sure that Lizzie goes out the door to school with clean clothes and brushed hair; she looks like someone at home loves her.

3. I could have gone to the library yesterday (my day off) but I went today instead, just because I was originally supposed to work today.

2. Don't tell Honey, but I watched 2 1/4 episodes of "Chuck" on line today, while I sewed the back-up blouse for Addie.

and the Number 1 reason I'm glad to be unemployed:

I went to pick up my pay check from Murray Care today, and the door was only opened a crack before that old folk's home smell came rushing out to grab my nose and make it cry for mercy. But since I was only there for 3 minutes, I didn't come home smelling that way myself.

Sweet. (With respectful apologies to any who are unhappy to be unemployed, currently)


  1. OK quit rubbing it in. So unfair. U quit and i ask for a couple days a week to pay off a couple scary bills. So i will be rejoining the crew fri and sat mornings for at least two weeks.... i figure thats how long it will take till i burn out completely from not having a day off at all. AAAHHHH!

  2. Good luck. Part of the reason I left is that I wasn't crazy about the new managment (just between you, me, and the three other people who read this blog).
